...Angela M. from New Bedford, MA. Thanks to everyone who participated and the homeless guy at the Shell gas station who picked the random number. Angela has already received her winnings and I hope to do more contests in the future.
I just moved into a new place so it's taking a while to settle in and as soon as I do, I promise new posts on living the cheap life. =)
And the winner is...
The best things in life are cheap.
I enjoy beauty treatments almost as much as I enjoy spending money wisely and paying less whenever I can. And if like me, your name isn't Elin Nordegren and you didn't just receive a $750 divorce settlement, chances are you do too. For the longest time, I spent money on my hair, nails and other necesitties without a care simply because I could afford it. But not anymore. HAIR & NAILS
When my hair is not braided or weaved- which is always free courtesy of my mother, I spent $180 to have it washed and blown just the way I like with an additional $172 for French Mani/Pedis at a local nail spa- excluding tips. It's not a lot considering that it only adds up to $352 for an eight week period, but as the queen of thrifty I knew I could do better. I recently started going to my local Cosmetology school to get my hair and nails done. And for the ridiculous prices they offer these services for, I don't mind that under the (close) supervision of a licensed cosmetologist, a student will wash, blow and iron or curl my hair for the amazingly low price of $11 and a quality hot oil french manicure costs me $5.
I grew up in Dakar,Senegal- where exfoliating skin in the shower is a daily routine. I still use the same scrubbing fishnets (sprinkled with baby oil) I used to whether I am taking a shower or a bath. But the one thing that always changes is the shower gel I fall in love with. My recent favorite was Bath & Body Works' $10.50 per 10 oz. That is until I discovered the better and much cheaper- at a mere $3.49 per 12 oz. version from Suave.
It's true that the best things in life are free and when it comes down to it nothing beats borrowing a must read book or the latest DVD release from the Library.
Cheapanistas ♥ Sam Edelman
When it comes to feet,Sam Edelman shoes are some of the most fashionable and comfortable shoes on the planet. For the longest time, I've dreamt of owning a few pairs but just couldn't justify the prices to myself. Well, on one of my recent trips to a discount retail, I stumbled upon cheapanista heaven. Rows, upon rows of Sam Edelman, L.A.M.B, Coach and Michael Kors shoes at prices so low only Marshalls' could pull this off. Since I live in the beautiful State of Massachusetts where there are no sales taxes on shoes and clothing (I know you are jealous now), I bought the above pair on sale for $44. I love my Sammies so much I still keep them in the box when unworn.
But to be honest, the best part about owning a pair of the Daria sandals isn't the many compliments I get every time I step out in them or how beautiful they are ( and make my feet look). It's that at this very moment, they are still being sold at retail stores for $125 and up. So take that Sam Edelman. I ♥ you, but as a true cheapanista, I don't love you enough to give you more money than I really have to.
There are a lot of places online and off where you can find the same great shoes cheaper than at department or specialty stores. If the thought of waiting for a layaway to clear makes you wanna hurl, then look for places like HSN and QVC. They offer high quality products (anything from Kitchenware to designer duds) with flexpay options. And nothing beats cheap, interest free monthly payments.
Cheap Girl Giveaway
Since I just started blogging, I think the best way to introduce myself is by holding the first of many blog giveaways to come. So, if you'd like to win $100 or an Ipod nano with a $25 gift card, just follow these simple steps.
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-Entries must be received by midnight on 9/05/2010.
-Open to anyone 13 and older.
-One winner will be randomly selected and notified by email on or before 9/18/2010
-This giveaway is operated by Cheapanista.com and as such, Cheapanista.com's decision is final. No alternative is available. The prize only includes what is expressly stated and includes Western Union fees.
For more info, email me at cheapanista[at]yahoo[dot]com Share
Summer $ale
As any savvy cheapanista out there will tell you, the end of a season is always the right time to score on the best deals of the year. Since it’s almost fall, stores everywhere are marking down summer inventory to make way for new arrivals. When it comes to fashion, trends may come and go but out of season never means out of style, so we know that the best time to stock up on great pieces for next summer is right now. Here are 10 key summer wardrobe pieces you should focus on when cruising the clearance rack. 1. Maxi and Wrap Dresses: When it comes to being forgiving on weight gain, nothing comes close to the Maxi or the wrap. These two are truly the staples of summer. Look for bold prints when it comes to shopping for maxi dresses and bright colors for wrap dresses.
2. Bermuda Shorts: If booty shorts and Capris’ had a child, then the Bermuda shorts would be it. The fun, versatile and comfy look is in my opinion, the go to for summer. They look great with espadrilles, peep toes, blazers or just a plain tank tee.
3. Shoes: The four summer shoes that will never go out of style are flip-flops, embellished flats, wedges/espadrilles and my favorite go to shoe, the peep toe heels. Chances are, if you look in your closet, you have more than one pair of each of these styles mentioned.
4. Sunglasses: Aviators, wayfarer and (the not for everyone) Jackie O. oversized shades are what comes to mind. Make sure you get the second opinion of a trusted friend because nothing is worse than a face drowning in sunglasses- well maybe a face trying to eat one.
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Summer Daze
The heat was killing me. So if you can pick your jaw off the floor and ignore the chicken legs long enough, you will notice that the print on the dress is almost a perfect match to the one on my shoes. While I found them both at Marshall's, the Max Studio dress was only $40 and my Guess? cork wedges were on sale for $30. My earrings (Gold, Silver and Gun Metal) are from a wholesale jewelry store in NYC and cost me about $5. Not bad for a day of dressing on the cheap, don’t you think?
The Cheap Side Of Life
I love Louboutin’s just like the next girl and I honestly wish I actually owned a real pair instead of the pixel pictures I clip online and drool over. But seriously what good does it do you if you have to save up for them and still need to spread the remaining payments on plastic? I mean they are just shoes! Pretty, amazing shoes I’ll admit gladly but if your ass can’t afford the damn shoes, dress or fabulous condo for that matter why stretch yourself thin?
I get it! Trust me, I do. We all want to look our fiercest. We want to stand out, we want to blend in with the in crowd and be “wicked” but what we fail to realize is that you can’t be cool for too long before you start dodging phone calls- from India of all places, paying overdraft fees on an empty tank and wishing you’d ignored the urge to get the designer harem pants you thought you just couldn’t live without (remember, the ones your mom said make you look like you have giantballsitis but complimented your navel ring so well?). Well honey let me tell you, the only thing you can’t live without in this world is your Iphone, I mean, a happy you.
What stops most of us from saving more and wasting less money is the fact that as the spoiled bunch we so obnoxiously are, we thrive on instant gratification and with the credit card companies bombarding us daily with the message that it is actually cool to buy today and worry about it later (or never if you are not afraid of jail) We spend blindly and give away our money, our power. So embrace your inner Cheapanista because by making the effort of putting more of your money where it actually belongs (in your pocket) you will thank yourself later- when your crumbs add up and actually get you something worth spending on.
When talk turns to saving money, people tend to freak out or the task just seems too daunting so we quit- before we even started and because frankly not living it up or “making it rain” just feels like punishment or worse, dieting. But spending less is nothing like dieting (or exercising). On the contrary, saving money is like getting the Dr. 90210 treatment; all the fat, rolls and handles we loathe lypoed and injected everywhere we’d like to see lifted and plumped- for free. So go ahead. Put that dollar back into your wallet and remember, one cookie just wouldn’t hit the spot right enough anyway.
Hair On The Cheap
As far as I'm concerned, a bad hair day is a bad day- period. But as women everywhere know, getting our hair did can cost. But there are ways to save money on hairstyling without sacrificing quality.
My current hairstyle can last between 3 to 6 months and consists of 3 packs of Indian Remy Hair, sewn in with a small portion of my own hair left out to cover the top tracks for that oh so important natural look. I spent about $112.50- a fraction compared to the $375 retail. I saved about half by buying the hair wholesale and getting it sown in by my mom. But if you don’t have access to a beauty supplier’s account and your mom isn’t a Master Hair Weaver, fret not. You can still get your hair done on the cheap.
First, remember that when it comes to hair extensions, no matter what you might think, synthetic hair can never look, feel or last you as long as human hair. I mean, is Stephanie Meyer a better writer than JK Rowling?? Which brings us to the first rule of being a cheapanista: Don’t sacrifice quality for the sake of saving money; it’s never worth it. Trust me, I know.
The best place to look for Remy Hair cheaper than you can find quality non Remy hair at your local beauty supply is none other than Ebay.com. As with buying anything else I need on the site, I always buy from the seller with the cheapest price amongst the ones with the best costumer ratings and I haven’t been disappointed so far. My two favorite brands and in my opinion the best ones in the market today are Saga by Milky Way and Goddess by Sensational.
When it comes to getting my weave on, I might be totally biased but the only places I’d go to are African Hair Braiding Salons. First, they are masters at getting the extensions’ foundation as small and tight as humanly possible and second, they are cheap ($80-$200). If the thought of paying full price for a full head drives you as crazy as it does me, then consider getting tracks ($10-20 per track) or sticking to two packs of human hair.
At the end of the day, what matters most is to love the look you created and whatever you do to your hair, just remember to rock it as the confident cheapanista that you are. Share
For as far as I can remember, my mother has always called me cheap. Even though I get my bargain hunting ways and love for layaway from her, she always chuckles when talk turns to my spending habits. But what my mother failed to realize- at least until recently, is that there is not only a method to my madness, but that this madness always gets me my money's worth.
For you see, I am a proud cheapanista. One who strives to look good without going broke in the process. From vacations to the shoes I won't live without, I am a firm believer that just because nothing in life is free it doesn't mean that we have to pay full price. I live for 75% off stickers, outlet malls and budget stores like Marshalls, TJ Maxx and yes, the occasional thrift and when it comes to getting more for less, let's just say that like any smart Cheapanista out there, I know my way around overpriced merchandise and how to get the look I desire for less, much less.
I am not talking about frugally recycling toilet paper or forgoing tooth brushing à la Jessica Simpson. I, along with countless people out there simply enjoy sticking it to designers, airlines, food chains and honestly, any business out there that values us as costumers who pay less than we should and get rewarded with coupons and buy one get one free deals. The same companies who like and appreciate me just the way I am: a fashion lover on a budget.
So if you know the thrill of hunting down a matching purse with the money you saved from buying those hot shoes on sale and the high from finding designer duds at Marshall's cheaper than you can on Ebay, you are not alone sister! You are a cheapanista: a cheap fashionista.